COVID-19 (AKA Coronavirus) Advisory
Please note that Green House Data is actively tracking the spread of COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus. We have taken proactive steps, including implementing precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our personnel and to support the continuity of our operations.
As a managed services and infrastructure provider, Green House Data hosts systems for a broad range of clients, including critical infrastructure for US governmental entities, and those directly supporting them.
We are monitoring potential impact within the communities we support. This includes many data points, but of specific note are:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Denver Department of Public Health & Environment
- Georgia Department of Health
- Washington Department of Health
- Wyoming Department of Health
- New York Department of Health
Green House Data has an active continuity of operations plan, which we test at least annually. This plan includes contingencies consistent with the likely potential impact of COVID-19. Additionally, all of our key personnel receive training on our contingency plan at least annually.
Green House Data is actively maintaining situational awareness, we have taken proactive steps specifically related to COVID-19, and additionally we have built inherent resiliency into our offerings. Of note to our clients:
- Our support teams are geographically diverse, including support personnel in multiple US states, and within several countries. This geographic diversity provides inherent resilience in our support operations. Our MSP operations leadership team is actively engaged monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and is ready to respond to potential impact by strategically shifting workloads to other geographic areas.
- We provide support within numerous data centers throughout the US. We have close relationships with these providers and have monitored their individual response to COVID-19 closely. We have personnel located in these areas and are always positioned to step in to close any potential gaps that may impact our clients.
At this time, we do not expect to experience any degradation in our ability to deliver services to our clients, resulting from COVID-19, but will promptly update you should the situation change.