Linking Patch Validation Tasks in Beekeeper
Using a CSV as input, you can link validation tasks to Beekeeper Application Groups, Windows Failover Clusters, and Exchange DAGs.
LinkValidationTasksCSV.ps1 is available in our GitHub repository, along with an example CSV.
SCCM,Sleep,On Group Start,1
SCCM,Sleep,On Group End,1
SCCM,Sleep,On Group Failure,1
SCCM,Sleep,On Group Timeout,1
The first link of the CSV is the field headers:
Server group which will have the validation tasks linked
Name of the Task in Beekeeper to be linked
Phase of the patching process to link the validation task:
- Group Start
- Pre Node Maintenance
- On Node Start
- Pre Reboot
- Post Reboot
- Post Node Maintenance
- On Group End
- On Group Timeout
- On Node Failure
- On Group Failure
Sequence number of the task in the Groups list of validation tasks.
Example in the Beekeeper UI:
Before running the script, the Application Group does not have any validation tasks assigned.
The script links the validation tasks to the “Scale Test001” Application Group.
The latest Beekeeper blog entries have shown how to import and manipulate data within Beekeeper. When adding a large number of servers and groups to Beekeeper, these scripts will simplify your efforts.