You can install an add-on on your local machine that connects to Azure, interacts with automation components, debugs locally, and uploads your PowerShell script.
Read MoreOne of the top risks facing your data today is SQL injection (SQLi). Learn how it works and how to secure your applications.
Read MoreNo cloud is one-size-fits all. Your business structure, size, strategy, and industry are significant factors to consider as you weigh public, private, and hybrid cloud options.
Read MoreYour organizational needs and factors such as manageability, access control, auditing, and user experience determine which Azure Active Directory identity model should be deployed.
Read MoreSCCM and SCOM are Microsoft products that help administrators manage the applications and services in an organization. They are complementary pieces of a productive and safe IT landscape.
Read MoreThree ways to get your data on the same page are data federation, data hubs, and data lakes. What are their differences and what are some pros and cons of each?
Read MoreExplore what you can control with Azure Automation and how to get started using it for cloud server update management, configuration, and more.
Read MorePrivacy Shield is an international law in flux. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will go into effect in 2020. What do these laws entail? And should your organization be concerned?
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